New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
Limited to 8 legally-married couples whose marriage went to the brink of disaster before Christ rescued you, AND you've never had a real HONEYMOON WEEKEND since that point.
Join us - Valentine's Banquet weekend at New Heartland
We have limited registration size in order to provide an intimate setting, planned for 8 legally-married couples only and with a very special focus.
IF THIS IS YOU: Especially patterned for (#1) Christian married couples whose marriage went near the brink of disaster before Christ rescued you, AND (#2) you've never had a real HONEYMOON WEEKEND since that point.
Private rooms in a resort-type setting outside of Sherburne, NY. We have snow here on the mountaintop nearly all winter, and you'll want to get some pictures. No alcohol, of course, and no smoking inside of rooms, please. (Nobody wants their honeymoon interrupted by a fire alarm, which cigarette smoke does trigger!)
Friday: Come mid-day and hike, snowshoe, check in, get acquainted, or arrive as best you can. Regular programs starting at 3pm Friday through 3pm Saturday. (We won't kick you out then if you're enjoying the fellowship). There will be praise and worship, sessions on enriching your walk together with Christ, and chances to share your testimonies with other couples, either formally or informally.
Featured guest couple is bi-vocational pastor Ron Sutler from Wells (NY) Wesleyan Church and his wife Gloria, who have no hesitation in sharing their gratitude with Jesus for restoring their marriage several years ago. You will warm to their easy frankness and humor. Also, some apt facilitators may join us, as well.
Informal ski resort attire suggested. If you play a musical instrument (smaller than a piano) and wish to bring it along, feel free.
Friday noon: sandwiches and fruit buffet-style for those arriving early.
Friday evening: banquet in the dining room, 7 pm.
Saturday: breakfast and lunch, plus snacks and beverages during breaks. Hot & Cold drinks, both days.
Cost: $90./couple includes everything; room, meals, snacks, fellowship. Make checks payable to: New Life Station and mail to P.O. Box 643, Sherburne NY 13460. Call first, because space is limited to first 8 couples. (607) 674-4400. Full schedule and GPS directions will be sent to you upon acceptance. Please advise in advance of special needs; vegan, diabetic, etc. as well as physical limitations or twin beds.
****See also below for future planned and tentative events for men only, women only, and couples****.